Sustainable Practices and Green Initiatives

We at Bundelkhand University are committed to work towards having an environment-friendly campus. It is imperative to take a comprehensive view of environmental concerns, and develop policy to conserve and preserve the natural resources.
Bundelkhand University strives to undertake sustainable practices and initiatives for a clean and green campus. We generate awareness through continuous campaigns, education, and training to bring the behaviour change and develop strategies for a sustainable green campus.
The University shall implement Mission Life launched by our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi which states that simple acts of individuals in their daily lives can contribute significantly to enable environment friendly behaviour. The university family is dedicated to make sustainable choices and bring changes in our life styles to help protect and preserve the environment.
- Follow practices to ensure a pollution free healthy campus.
- Focus on management and conservation practices by applying modern techniques.
- Promote appropriate environment and energy audits.
- Documentation of sustainable green initiatives in the campus.
- Collaborative partnerships with NGOs, companies, scientific and educational bodies to conduct innovative trainings, research green activities prioritizing all aspects of environmental responsibilities.
- Create awareness about the practice of reduce, reuse, and recycle for waste reduction and management
Bundelkhand University is dedicated to attain sustainable living in healthy ecosystem through constructive green initiatives.
Energy Efficient Campus
The university will conserve energy and reduce its CO2 footprint. The university has applied new tools and techniques like solar energy system, LED lights, Solar Smart lights, Biogas unit and purchase of power efficient equipment’s. The employees and students are urged to switch off the fans and lights when not in use. The university promotes the culture of well-ventilated class rooms and labs with sufficient natural lights to minimize the use of electric bulbs during day time.
Installed solar rooftop power plant on-grid system having capacity 40 Kw.
Installed solar smart street light LED based in University campus.
Bundelkhand University has taken measures for energy conservation by installing sixty solar smart light (40 W) in the campus.
The street lights and other bulbs have been replace by energy efficient LED lights.
Water Conservation
Water is a fast depleting natural resource and there is an urgent need to conserve it. The University promotes efficient water management technique like rain water harvesting, ground water recharge, sprinklers and revival of wells. The University endeavours to maintain the water storage and distribution system ensuring optimum use and zero leakage.
Installed rain water harvesting unit at university campus
Bundelkhand University Campus premises in the effort to take ecologically sustainable steps , has constructed structures to ensure productive use of water .This year, Bundelkhand University Campus got 10 groundwater harvesting units made through 'Ecolive' ( courtesy ICICI Foundation). The groundwater harvesting deals with collection of rainwater falling on the ground, and also runoff from creeks, pipes, catchment areas from parks and roads .There were 10 structures made for Rooftop harvesting of water. Here, the water on rooftops of buildings is collected in the especially made structures thereby contributing in increasing the groundwater level. Every structure has a silt trap which stops the contaminated runoff and the waste matter is removed. The water reaches the next chamber where it is purified with the use of activated carbon and charcoal. This clear water harvests the groundwater through injection well. The Recharge by infiltration takes advantage of the natural treatment processes that occur when water moves through soil. Thus when groundwater is extracted its quality will likely to be improved as compared to the earlier runoff quality. There is a Water Recharge Well in front of the Indoor Stadium, which has especially designed slanting structure to trap and percolate the surplus water from the road, rainfall and contribute in increasing the ground water table. There is a pond in the Agriculture Farm premises of the University Campus, which also has the structure to percolate the water, as also to hold the water on surface for immediate irrigation use.
The water vesting and Recharge systems can store large volumes of water at no extra cost. In addition the rainwater will not stand still on the ground or rooftops, and maintain groundwater level. They require less maintenance. A simple regular cleaning of infiltration structures to remove clogging particles is needed.
These structures help the organization transition to a more sustainable mode. These are structures with modern design, conceptualized keeping in view the percolating efficiency and annual rainfall of the region. The water diverted to percolating pits and ponds is recharged, and can be extracted with tube wells etc. Depending on the Geology and depth of groundwater. These are attempts to harvest the rainwater for future benefits. It is a sustainable approach and results though not immediate, will definitely be visible over a period of 5- 10 years.
Installed waste water recycling unit (STP)
Ban on use of Plastic
The University prohibits the use of single use plastic items on the campus.
Pedestrian Friendly Pathways
The staff and students are provided with safe walking pathways within the campus premises.
Bicycle Club
The University has a Bicycle club and cycle treks are organized to promote pollution-free transport.
Various Plantation Drives are conducted at regular intervals to keep the Campus green. We have maintained parks in the administrative, academic and residential areas. There are keynote species of Banyan, Peepal, Neem, Pakhad, and seasonal flowering plants like bougainvillea, Neerim, marigold.
Restricted use of Vehicles
There is a well-maintained parking space near the Main Gate of the University. We encourage the staff and students to restrict the use of motorized vehicles inside the campus.
Waste Management
The University is committed to reduce and manage the waste generated to the campus. The students and staff are encourage to use files, bags etc. Made of recycled environmental friendly material. Steps are taken to collaborate with dealers to recycle the paper waste and e-Waste. Dustbins have been constructed at regular distance for proper disposal of waste and are periodically cleared .The University staff and students are motivated to segregate dry and wet waste.
Dustbins for waste management.
Installed biodegradable unit at university campus
Dry leaves processed in compost bins and converted into Natural fertilizer.
Vermi-Compost Manure Unit at agricultural Farm in the Campus to depict best recycle model.
Installed surface observatory and automatic weather station at BU campus
Other Activities
The University conducts various programmes to create awareness and promote behaviour change to preserve the environment. The University Departments ,and the university Eco club Tattva organize training ,Plantation drives ,Signature/Pledge Campaigns, Nature Walks, Competitions ,Educational Visits and celebration of various Environment related days.
International green energy conference.
Organized one day activity on national energy conservation day 14th Dec.
Organized event on world earth day 22nd april
Celebrate world ozone day 16th Sep
(Signature campaign)
Educational trip to TARAGRAM, Orchha for demonstration and practical training of manufacturing eco-friendly products like handmade paper bags, flyash bricks
Pledge taken by students of Environment Science Department on the occasion of International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies
Pledge Campaign on World Water Day to conserve water
Training Programme conducted about process of Berkley compost
Lecture by Officer of Pollution Control Board on Pollution Day
MOU with Italian National Agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development (ENEA), Research Centre, Trisaia, Italy
MOU Signed Agreement with Biotrend Energy
Green and Clean Campus Award